List of publications

All the publications of the C3M teams.

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Dependence on mitochondrial respiration of malignant T cells reveals a new therapeutic target for angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma.

Authors Krug A, Mhaidly R, Tosolini M, Mondragon L, Tari G, Turtos AM, Paul-Bellon R, Asnafi V, Marchetti S, Di Mascio L, Travert M, Bost F, Bachy E, Argüello RJ, Fournié JJ, Gaulard P, Lemonnier F, Ricci JE, Verhoeyen E

Cell death discovery Jun 2024

Bax Inhibitor-1 preserves pancreatic β-cell proteostasis by limiting proinsulin misfolding and programmed cell death.

Authors Blanc M, Habbouche L, Xiao P, Lebeaupin C, Janona M, Vaillant N, Irondelle M, Gilleron J, Murcy F, Rousseau D, Luci C, Barouillet T, Marchetti S, Lacas-Gervais S, Yvan-Charvet L, Gual P, Cardozo AK, Bailly-Maitre B

Cell death & disease May 2024

Inhibition of choline metabolism in an angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma preclinical model reveals a new metabolic vulnerability as possible target for treatment.

Authors Krug A, Tosolini M, Madji Hounoum B, Fournié JJ, Geiger R, Pecoraro M, Emond P, Gaulard P, Lemonnier F, Ricci JE, Verhoeyen E

Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR Feb 2024

Multimodal cartography of human lymphopoiesis reveals B and T/NK/ILC lineages are subjected to differential regulation.

Authors Alhaj Hussen K, Chabaane E, Nelson E, Lekiashvili S, Diop S, Keita S, Evrard B, Lardenois A, Delord M, Verhoeyen E, Cornils K, Kasraian Z, Macintyre EA, Cumano A, Garrick D, Goodhardt M, Andrieu GP, Asnafi V, Chalmel F, Canque B

iScience Sep 2023

Nanoblades allow high-level genome editing in murine and human organoids.

Authors Tiroille V, Krug A, Bokobza E, Kahi M, Bulcaen M, Ensinck MM, Geurts MH, Hendriks D, Vermeulen F, Larbret F, Gutierrez-Guerrero A, Chen Y, Van Zundert I, Rocha S, Rios AC, Medaer L, Gijsbers R, Mangeot PE, Clevers H, Carlon MS, Bost F, Verhoeyen E

Molecular therapy. Nucleic acids Jul 2023

Distinct subsets of multi-lymphoid progenitors support ontogeny-related changes in human lymphopoiesis.

Authors Keita S, Diop S, Lekiashvili S, Chabaane E, Nelson E, Strullu M, Arfeuille C, Guimiot F, Domet T, Duchez S, Evrard B, Darde T, Larghero J, Verhoeyen E, Cumano A, Macintyre EA, Kasraian Z, Jouen F, Goodhardt M, Garrick D, Chalmel F, Alhaj Hussen K, Canque B

Cell reports Jun 2023

Oxidative phosphorylation fueled by fatty acid oxidation sensitizes leukemic stem cells to cold.

Authors Griessinger E, Pereira-Martins D, Nebout M, Bosc C, Saland E, Boet E, Sahal A, Chiche J, Debayle D, Fleuriot L, Pruis M, Mansat-De Mas V, Vergez F, Récher C, Huls G, Sarry JE, Schuringa JJ, Peyron JF

Cancer research Jun 2023

Cholesterol efflux pathways hinder KRAS-driven lung tumor progenitor cell expansion.

Authors Guilbaud E, Barouillet T, Ilie M, Borowczyk C, Ivanov S, Sarrazy V, Vaillant N, Ayrault M, Castiglione A, Rignol G, Brest P, Bazioti V, Zaitsev K, Lebrigand K, Dussaud S, Magnone V, Bertolotto C, Marchetti S, Irondelle M, Goldberg I, Huby T, Westerterp M, Gautier EL, Mari B, Barbry P, Hofman P, Yvan-Charvet L

Cell stem cell Jun 2023

Impact of House-Dust-Mite in Vitiligo Skin: Environmental Contribution to Increased Cutaneous Immunity and Melanocyte Detachment.

Authors Bzioueche H, Boniface K, Drullion C, Marchetti S, Chignon-Sicard B, Sormani L, Rocchi S, Senechal J, Passeron T, Tulic MK

The British journal of dermatology May 2023

Production of CRISPRi-engineered primary human mammary epithelial cells with baboon envelope pseudotyped lentiviral vectors.

Authors Pastor S, Wicinski J, Charafe-Jauffret E, Verhoeyen E, Guittard G, Ginestier C

STAR protocols Feb 2023