On 5 December, researchers and PhD students from C3M took part in the declics operation (Dialogues Entre Chercheurs et Lycéens pour les Intéresser à la Construction des Savoirs).

They met with a class of high school students at the Lycée Les Eucalyptus in Nice and presented their research topic and the scientific process from a scientific question to a discovery and its publication.

The presentation was followed by ‘speed-meetings’ between researchers and PhD students from C3M and the groups of high school students, which were rich in exchanges.Thanks to S. Marchetti (Team Metabolism, Cancer and immune REsponses), C. Girard, M. Kahil, V. Prod’homme (Team MICROenvironment, Signaling and CANcer) and T. Botton (Team Study of molecular mechanisms involved in pigmentation and melanoma using translational approaches).

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