Dr. Serge LUQUET

Serge Luquet is DR1 CNRS, Head of the team Central COntrol oF Feeding behaviour and Energy Expenditure" (C2OFFEE), Unité "Biologie Fonctionnelle & Adaptative", CNRS UMR 8251, Université Paris Cité.

Hypothalamic astrocytes and the control of metabolism and glucose homeostasis

Serge Luquet received his undergraduate degree in Biology &Biochemistry from the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France in 2003.  During his PhD training he was interested in the role of the fatty-activated transcription factor PPAR delta in adipose and muscle cell differentiation. He published seminal paper showing the role of PPAR delta in the controls of muscle development and oxidative capability. In 2003 he joined the laboratory of Pr Richard Palmiter (Howard Hughes Medical Institute & Department of Biochemistry) at the University of Washington, Seattle for his post-doctoral training. He studied the role of hypothalamic neurons that produce Agouti related protein in the control of feeding behavior. He was recruited at researcher by the French CNRS in 2006 and was awarded a young investigator research program that led him to conduct an independent research. His group is established at the University ParisCité. The core approach of his team (http://bfa.univ-paris-diderot.fr/equipe-5/)  is to leverage the power of modern molecular genetic tools and mouse models using integrated approaches in order to dissect out the role of discrete neural circuit elements in the control of different aspect of energy balance including feeding behavior & energy expenditure.