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Emerging role of glutathione peroxidase 4 in myeloid cell lineage development and acute myeloid leukemia.

Auteurs Auberger P, Favreau C, Savy C, Jacquel A, Robert G

Cellular & molecular biology letters Jul 2024

HSPA8 chaperone complex drives chaperone-mediated autophagy regulation in acute promyelocytic leukemia cell differentiation.

Auteurs Rafiq S, Mungure I, Banz Y, Niklaus NJ, Kaufmann T, Müller S, Jacquel A, Robert G, Auberger P, Torbett BE, Muller S, Tschan MP, Humbert M

Pharmacology Apr 2024

Improving nutritional status after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: results of phase 2 ALLONUT clinical trial.

Auteurs Estran S, Loschi M, Benachour S, Soldati A, Chiche E, Sammut R, Robert G, Jacquel A, Chibois J, Schneider S, Cluzeau T

Bone marrow transplantation Mar 2024

Unveiling CXCR2 as a promising therapeutic target in renal cell carcinoma: exploring the immunotherapeutic paradigm shift through its inhibition by RCT001.

Auteurs Montemagno C, Jacquel A, Pandiani C, Rastoin O, Dawaliby R, Schmitt T, Bourgoin M, Palenzuela H, Rossi AL, Ambrosetti D, Durivault J, Luciano F, Borchiellini D, Le Du J, Gonçalves LCP, Auberger P, Benhida R, Kinget L, Beuselinck B, Ronco C, Pagès G, Dufies M

Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR Mar 2024

The Antioxidant TEMPOL Protects Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells From Culture-Mediated Loss of Functions.

Auteurs Henry E, Picou F, Barroca V, Dechamps N, Sobrino S, Six E, Gobeaux C, Auberger P, Hérault O, Pflumio F, Arcangeli ML

Stem cells translational medicine Aug 2023

The generation, activation, and polarization of monocyte-derived macrophages in human malignancies.

Auteurs Chaintreuil P, Kerreneur E, Bourgoin M, Savy C, Favreau C, Robert G, Jacquel A, Auberger P

Frontiers in immunology May 2023

Caspase Inhibition Modulates Monocyte-Derived Macrophage Polarization in Damaged Tissues.

Auteurs Solier S, Mondini M, Meziani L, Jacquel A, Lacout C, Berghe TV, Julé Y, Martinou JC, Pierron G, Rivière J, Deloger M, Dupuy C, Slama-Schwok A, Droin N, Vandenabeele P, Auberger P, Deutsch E, El-Benna J, Dang PM, Solary E

International journal of molecular sciences Feb 2023

MCB-613 exploits a collateral sensitivity in drug resistant -mutant non-small cell lung cancer through covalent inhibition of KEAP1.

Auteurs Bassil CF, Anderson GR, Mayro B, Askin KN, Winter PS, Gruber S, Hall TM, Hoj JP, Cerda-Smith C, Hutchinson HM, Killarney ST, Singleton KR, Qin L, Jubien-Girard K, Favreau C, Martin AR, Robert G, Benhida R, Auberger P, Pendergast AM, Lonard DM, Puissant A, Wood KC

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology Jan 2023

High caspase 3 and vulnerability to dual BCL2 family inhibition define ETO2::GLIS2 pediatric leukemia.

Auteurs Aid Z, Robert E, Lopez CK, Bourgoin M, Boudia F, Le Mene M, Riviere J, Baille M, Benbarche S, Renou L, Fagnan A, Thirant C, Federici L, Touchard L, Lecluse Y, Jetten A, Geoerger B, Lapillonne H, Solary E, Gaudry M, Meshinchi S, Pflumio F, Auberger P, Lobry C, Petit A, Jacquel A, Mercher T

Leukemia Dec 2022

Real-life challenges using personalized prognostic scoring systems in acute myeloid leukemia.

Auteurs Calleja A, Loschi M, Bailly L, Morisot A, Marceau A, Mannone L, Robert G, Auberger P, Preudhomme C, Raynaud S, Subtil F, Sujobert P, Cluzeau T

Cancer medicine Nov 2022