CD36 cell surface expression as a surrogate marker to identify ABL/JAK-class kinase fusions in pediatric BCP-ALL.

Auteurs Strullu M, Caye-Eude A, Robert E, Renard JM, Chaye A, Galimand J, Fenneteau O, Arfeuille C, Cuccuini W, Theron A, Thouvenin S, Paillard C, Petit A, Rohrlich PS, Cavé H, Baruchel A, Lainey E

Leukemia Oct 2024

Reply to letter regarding « Banded versus non-banded Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: short-, mid-, and long-term surgical outcomes-A systematic review and meta-analysis ».

Auteurs Pavone G, Iannelli A

Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery Oct 2024


Auteurs Gharieb K, Doumandji N, Bensalem W, Bellon RP, Inoubli L, Siddeek B, Traverse-Glehen A, Decaussin-Petrucci M, Trabucchi M, Benahmed M, Mauduit C

Toxicology letters Oct 2024

Dupilumab in atopic-dermatitis-like eczema associated with inborn errors of immunity: a nationwide study.

Auteurs Guillemin C, Bellon N, Jachiet M, Barbarot S, Bourrat E, Chiaverini C, Cougoul P, Ebbo M, Herber M, Hubiche T, Mallet S, Tauber M, Béziat V, Castelle M, Du Thanh A, Farhi J, Fieschi C, Fournier B, Gourguechon C, Guiddir T, Lipsker D, Raison-Peyron N, Garcelon N, Cheminant M, Suarez F, Hermine O, Blanche S, Moshous D, Mahlaoui N, Neven B, Bodemer C, Lévy R, Polivka L,

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Sep 2024

Correction: SAME day amBulatory Appendectomy (SAMBA): a multicenter, prospective, randomized clinical trial protocol.

Auteurs Arvieux C, Tidadini F, Barbois S, Fontas E, Carles M, Gridel V, Orban JC, Quesada JL, Foote A, Cruzel C, Anthony S, Bulsei J, Hivelin C, Massalou D

Trials Sep 2024

Treatment of Bullous Pemphigoid with Avdoralimab: Multicenter, Randomized, Open-Labeled Phase 2 Study.

Auteurs Passeron T, Fontas E, Boye T, Richard MA, Delaporte E, Dereure O

JID innovations : skin science from molecules to population health Sep 2024

Pre-engraftment bacteremia after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation without primary fluoroquinolone antibacterial prophylaxis.

Auteurs Nguyen A, Fender J, Courjon J, Fischer A, Mappoura M, Morin S, Giannotti F, Mamez AC, Chalandon Y, Masouridi-Levrat S, Neofytos D

Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society Sep 2024

Vascular liver segmentation: a narrative review on methods and new insights brought by artificial intelligence.

Auteurs Chierici A, Lareyre F, Salucki B, Iannelli A, Delingette H, Raffort J

The Journal of international medical research Sep 2024

Haematological features of telomere biology disorders diagnosed in adulthood: A French nationwide study of 127 patients.

Auteurs Maillet F, Galimard JE, Borie R, Lainey E, Larcher L, Passet M, Plessier A, Leblanc T, Terriou L, Lebon D, Alcazer V, Cathebras P, Loschi M, Wadih AC, Marcais A, Marceau-Renaut A, Couque N, Lioure B, Soulier J, Ba I, Socié G, Peffault de Latour R, Kannengiesser C, Sicre de Fontbrune F

British journal of haematology Sep 2024

Development of the International Federation for Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders-European Chapter (IFSO-EC) Grade-Based Guidelines on the Surgical Treatment of Obesity Using Multimodal Strategies: Design and Methodological Aspects.

Auteurs De Luca M, Belluzzi A, Salminen P, Bueter M, Pujol-Rafols J, Sakran N, Stier C, Taskin HE, Chiappetta S, Carrano FM, Di Lorenzo N, Nienhuijs S, Puy RV, Stenberg E, Emous M, Prager G, Himpens J, Felsenreich DM, Iannelli A, Parmar C, Copaescu C, Fried M, Ruiz-Úcar E, Cohen RV, Olmi S, Angrisani L, Ribeiro R, Bandini G, Scoccimarro D, Ragghianti B, Monami M,

Journal of clinical medicine Sep 2024